Doctor Negligence Legal Services in Seattle

Doctor negligence legal services in Seattle help patients file claims against physicians for malpractice in the form of misdiagnosis, surgical errors, anesthesia mistakes, hospital-related infections, prescription mix-ups and wrongful death. An experienced attorney can review the case, consult with medical experts and work to obtain compensation for the injury victim’s past and anticipated future losses.

The attorneys at Thoeny Law Office represent victims of medical malpractice incidents. They provide a free consultation and review the client’s medical records to determine whether they have a claim. The firm explains that medical malpractice occurs when a health care professional violates the accepted standards of care within their profession and this carelessness causes injury or worsening of the patient’s condition.

During the consultation, a Seattle med mal lawyer will assess the patient’s current and future medical bills, as well as other damages such as pain and suffering. The lawyers are dedicated to ensuring that their clients receive the maximum possible compensation for their injuries. In some cases, they may work with an expert economist to calculate the total financial impact of the incident.

When it comes to medical malpractice, the standard of care that health care professionals must abide by is high. However, even if they have the best of intentions and follow the guidelines set forth by their profession, they can still be held liable if they cause injury to their patients. In order to file a malpractice lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant’s actions deviated from the accepted standard of care in his or her field and this breach led to injury or death.

All surgery has some degree of risk, but when surgeons or other medical staff fail to perform their duties in a safe and competent manner, the results can be catastrophic. The medical malpractice lawyers at Menzer Law believe in a first-rate education paired with years of experience. They help clients fight for the justice they deserve and have a track record of success.

A wrongful death claim can be brought by a family member on behalf of the deceased. Generally, the surviving spouse, domestic partner or children of the deceased can recover damages for their loss. In cases of wrongful death, the general two-year statute of limitations applies.

A Seattle med mal lawyer at Elk & Elk can help injured clients recover the compensation they are entitled to for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. The firm focuses on maximizing the value of each client’s case by conducting extensive research and developing a thorough understanding of the evidence in the case. The team also works closely with clients to ensure they understand the case and their rights. The attorneys can also assist clients with filing insurance claims and pursuing vicarious liability claims against hospitals or other responsible parties. Contact the law firm for more information.

Moseley Collins Law
701 5th Ave Suite 4200
Seattle, WA 98104